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HELOC - Standalone Transactions

Loan Purpose
  • Refinance - Cash out

Occupancy Types
  • Principal Residence Properties


  • Second Home Properties

Eligible Products
  • 30-year HELOC (ARM) I/O - 10-year draw term, 20-year repayment.


  • 20-year HELOC (ARM) I/O - 10-year draw term, 20-year repayment.


HELOC Allowable Terms:

  • Interest Only during draw period.

  • Fully amortizing upon end of draw period.

  • Must be Adjustable rates (ARM).

  • May be in 1st or 2nd lien position.

  • Minimum Draw required is 75% of the line/totle loan amount.  Subsequent minimum draw $5,000.

  • Credit score: 740 - CLTV/HCLTV: 85%


  • Credit score: 720 - CLTV/HCLTV: 80%


  • Credit score: 680 - CLTV/HCLTV: 75%


  • Credit score: 660 - CLTV/HCLTV: 70%


  • Credit score: 640 - CLTV/HCLTV: 60%

Loan Amount Limits
  • Minimum line/total loan amount: $50,000.


  • Maximum line/total loan amount: $350,000.

Borrower Eligibility
  • U.S. Citizens


  • Permanent Resident Aliens


  • Inter-Vivos Revocable Trust


  • Non-Occupant Co-borrower (Allowed per AUS)


  • First Time Homebuyer


  • Limited Partnerships, General Partnerships, Corporations, Limited Liability Company (layered entities not permitted, such as whose members are trust)


Income and Employment

The stable and reliable flow of income is a key consideration in mortgage loan underwriting.  A key driver of successful homeownership is confidence that all income used in qualifying the borrower will continue to be received for the foreseeable future.  If the income does not have a defined expiration date and the applicable history of receipt of the income is documented, the income is considered as stable, predictable, and likely to continue.  Otherwise, additional documentation from the borrower will be required to analyze the likelihood of the income will continue for at least next three years. 


Employment income refers to the income received from work in the form of W-2.  Verification of the most recent two years of employment and income are generally required.  It can be done by obtaining copies of the most recent pay stubs, IRS Form W2's, and a written Verification of Employment (VOE), or direct electronic verification of employment by a TPV vendor.  Primary employment is considered if the employee typically works 40 hours of service per week. If it is less than 40 hours of service per week, it is considered as part-time employment.  Both types of employment are acceptable, however, part-time employment should have a recent 2-year consecutive employment and it is likely to continue.  Similar with part-employment, these employment or incomes are also acceptable, such as seasonal employment, overtime, bonus, tips, commission.


Self-employment income refers to income generated by a business in which the borrower has a 25 percent or greater ownership interest.  Self-employment income can be used if the borrower has been self-employed for at least two years.  However, if the borrower has less than two years history, self-employment income may only be considered if the borrower was previously employed in the same line of work or in a related occupation for at least two years.  The lender will review the self-employment income based on the recent Federal tax returns.  In addition, a year-to-date Profit and Loss (P&L) statement and balance sheet are required if more than a calendar quarter has been elapsed since the date of the most recent calendar or fiscal year-end tax period.


Other sources of income are also acceptable are: Social Security disability, VA disability, private disability, alimony, child support, maintenance income, military income, retirement income, rental income, capital gains or losses, Trust income, Annuities, Note receivable income, royalty payment income, boarder income.


Reserve Requirements

For manually underwritten loans there are no minimum reserves required.

Credit Score / History
  • Minimum fico-score is 640.


  • The representative credit score must be used in qualifying.  The representative credit score is the middle of 3 fico scores, or the lower of 2.  When multiple borrowers exist, the lowest representative fico is used.  


  • Mortgage/Rental payment history

    • No late payments in the past 6 months.​

    • No more than one times 30 days past due in the last 24 months.


  • All judgements, collections, and tax liens must be paid at or prior to close.


  • Collections and charge-offs less than $250 per account or $1,000 in aggregate my be left unpaid.


Seasoning of derogatory events:

  • Bankruptcy Chapter 7 or 11 - 4 years, 2 years with documented extenuating circumstances.


  • Bankruptcy Chapter 13 - 2 years from discharge date; 4 years from dismissal date, 2 years from dismissal date with extenuating circumstances.


  • Multiple Bankruptcy filings - 5 years if more than one filing within the past 7 years.  Can consider 3 years from most recent discharge or dismissal date with documented extenuating circumstances.


  • Foreclosure - 7 years.

    • With documented extenuating circumstances, may consider 3 years for primary residence purchase or rate/term refinance only.​


  • Deed in Lieu, Pre-foreclosure sale, or charge-off of mortgage - 4 years, 2 years with documented extuanuating circumstances.


  • Modification or Forbearance with missed payments - 4 years, 2 years with documented extenuating circumstances.

Debt-to-Income (DTI)
  • LTV/CLTV >=75% & <= 85% and Fico score >= 680 - max DTI is 50%

  • LTV/CLTV >=60% & <= 70% and Fico score >= 640 - max DTIis  43%

Property Eligibility

The dwelling must consist of one to four units.  It must be:


  • residential in nature as defined by the characteristics of the property and surrounding market area.


  • secured by an interest in real property within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code.


  • safe, sound, and structurally secure.


  • readily accessible by roads that meet local standards.


  • served by utilities that meet community standards.


  • suitable for year-round use.


Rural properties are not allowed.


Refinance Transactions
  • Property may not be listed for sale within the last 6 months.

  • Properties owned free and clear are not eligible for rate/term refinance.

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